Celebrating more than 100 years of scientific research
and resource management in the Mammoth Cave Region.
May 13-15, 2025
Western Kentucky University, the Cave Research Foundation, and the Mammoth Cave Biosphere Region invite you to attend the 12th Research Symposium to be held May 13-15, 2025. This symposium will highlight natural and cultural research occurring in, around, or relevant to resource management, groundwater quality, and the well-being of all life in the Mammoth Cave Region.
It is a forum for natural and cultural resource managers, scientists and cooperators, and other interested parties to learn,
network, and coordinate science and management efforts. No registration is required.
We hope that through expanded knowledge, capacity, and professional networks built in this symposium, federal, state, and local public lands managers and researchers are better prepared to address future questions that will support the resilience of our communities and shared resources.
Above photo credit: Audubon Avenue, Art and Peg Palmer
Tuesday, May 13
Celebration of the 100th Year of Fluorescent Dye Tracing at the Park Invited Keynote Speakers and Hydrogeology Sessions
Evening Poster Session and Reception
Location TBD
Wednesday, May 14
Cave and Surface Biology Sessions
Evening Field Trip
Historic Under the Microscope:
A classic cave tour focused on current research
Thursday, May 15
Cultural Resources and International Sessions
Lunch with Cave & Museum Tours at Diamond Caverns.
Provided by the National Cave Museum.
RSVP to lee.bledsoe@wku.edu REQUIRED by May 1, 2025
Symposium Adjourns at 5:00 PM
Location for technical sessions to be determined. Updated announcement coming soon. No registration required.
Rooms can be reserved at The Lodge.
We encourage you to book early, no block of rooms has been held for this event. https://mammothcavelodge.com/lodging-mammoth-cave/
Hamilton Valley Bunkhouse, CRF Headquarters
Shared amenities and bunk space.
Reserve with Pat Kambesis at pat.kambesis@wku.edu.
Other nearby lodging includes hotels in Cave City, Glasgow, or Bowling Green, local bed and breakfasts, or vacation rentals.
Green River Grill, Lantern Cafe, Maple Springs Coffee Shop, and the Caver's Camp Store are located at the Park. Other options for lunch (fast food, country diners, Mexican and other chain restaurants) are also available in nearby Park City, Cave City, and Brownsville.
Crawford Hydrology Laboratory
1500 State Street, Suite 304, Bowling Green, Kentucky
Call: 270-745-3458 OR 270-745-9224