Western Kentucky University, Mammoth Cave National Park, the Cave Research Foundation, and the Mammoth Cave Biosphere Region invite you to present your research at the 12th Research Symposium to be held May 13-15, 2025.
This symposium will highlight natural and cultural research occurring in, around, or relevant to resource management, groundwater quality, and the well-being of all life in the Mammoth Cave Region. It is to be a forum for natural and cultural resource managers, scientists and cooperators, and other interested parties to learn, network, and coordinate science and management efforts. We hope that through expanded knowledge, capacity, and professional networks built in this symposium, federal, state, and local public lands managers and researchers are better prepared to address future questions that will support the resilience of our communities and shared resources.
Topical session speakers will have 15 minutes to present their research, followed by time for questions (3-4 minutes) and transition to the next speaker (1-2 minutes). Power Point presentations should be prepared in 16:9 widescreen format and must be received by the session moderator prior to the start of your session.
Flash-talks are short presentations that offer an opportunity to share your research or idea in a short time to engage with audiences who may not necessarily be experts in your field. Flash-talks also offer researchers a platform to share preliminary data, recruit partners or collaborators, or announce a new initiative. Speakers are encouraged to distill your message to the most important, interesting features. Speakers will have 5 minutes to present. Any accompanying Power Point presentation cannot exceed 5 slides and must be received by the session moderator before lunch on Thursday, May 15.
Poster specifications will be shared with authors upon acceptance of abstract submission.
Abstracts can be submitted to symposiumabstracts2025@gmail.com as a Microsoft Word document. All submissions must include title, authors with affiliation, and preferred presentation method (oral, poster, or flash-talk). Abstract should not exceed 300 words.
Abstracts are to be submitted in a Microsoft Word document, include title, authors with affiliation, and not exceed 300 words.
We will also accept Extended Abstracts and Papers which should adhere to requirements outlined above as well as the following: minimum of 1000 words and can contain figures, tables and/or images. References are not included in the word count. Images and/or figures must be submitted in png or jpg format separately from the Word document and be a minimum 300 dpi resolution. All files must be sent in a single email to symposiumabstracts2025@gmail.com.
FINAL DEADLINE IS FEBRUARY 1. Spaces for presentation are limited.
We encourage submission prior to the deadline and suggest authors wishing to submit extended abstracts or full papers seek external reviews prior to submission. All submissions will be reviewed for typos and formatting but the Proceedings editors will not organize or conduct peer-review of content.
Yes, the Proceedings will be published online via Western Kentucky University TopScholar platform.
Please contact Lee Anne Bledsoe at lee.bledsoe@wku.edu if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Crawford Hydrology Laboratory
1500 State Street, Suite 304, Bowling Green, Kentucky
Call: 270-745-3458 OR 270-745-9224