Downloadable Chain of Custody form required for sample check-in.
Check out these Shipment Recommendations to ensure your samples arrive in excellent condition.
IMPORTANT NOTICE! If shipping samples via USPS please use University address: 1906 College Heights Blvd., Bowling Green, KY 42101. Only UPS and FEDEX will deliver directly to our physical location.
Step-by-step Dye Tracing Instructions for field activities.
Detailed Research Procedures for groundwater investigations in karst environments.
Expanded information about our staff, services, and clientele.
Tinopal CBS-X (Optical Brightner)
Pyranine (Solvent Green 7)
Fluorescein (Sodium fluorescein, Acid Yellow 73)
Eosine OJ (Acid Red 87)
Rhodamine WT (Acid Red 388)
Sulphorhodamine B (Acid Red 52)
Crawford Hydrology Laboratory
1500 State Street, Suite 304, Bowling Green, Kentucky
Call: 270-745-3458 OR 270-745-9224