Introduction to Applied Karst Hydrogeology
Dye Tracing Tools and Techniques Part 1
Dye Tracing Tools and Techniques Part 2
Dye Tracing Applications: Case Studies from the US
Fluorescent dye tracing is used to study groundwater movement in a variety of applications. In some settings, including but not limited to karst aquifers, this methodology is usually the first step in obtaining information about aquifer characteristics to support monitoring, pollution prevention, water resource management, contaminant source tracing, and remediation planning. This webinar series will not only introduce karst hydrogeology principles but also walk participants through the process of planning and conducting a dye trace across applications in various geologic settings, give recommendations on how to avoid common problems, and explain how to interpret tracer test results. Dye tracing case studies and how to combine water quality and hydrologic monitoring methods with groundwater tracing will also be presented. While the presentations will be integrated and we recommend attending the full series, each session can be viewed independently.
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Cost: $85 for series (all four sessions), $25 for single session.
Location: Limited time viewing (Link expires December 31, 2024)
Contact: Crawford.hydrology@wku.edu
Available for purchase via the WKU Department of Continuing Education and Development. Register here.
Introduction to Applied Karst Hydrogeology
Instructor: Chris Groves, PhD, University Distinguished Professor of Hydrogeology, Director
Karst aquifers, commonly developed in especially soluble bedrock such as limestone and dolomite, provide challenges to water resource development and protection. Water is often lacking at the surface, and groundwater is typically highly vulnerable to contamination. Some traditional hydrogeologic methods so useful in porous media flow systems, including numerical modelling and use of monitoring wells, can have limited utility in karst systems and other, specialized methods are often called for.
Dye Tracing Tools and Techniques: Part 1
Instructor: Autumn Singer, MS, Research Hydrologist, Laboratory Manager
Join the master class of dye tracing! This session presents the technical aspects of dye tracing from initial considerations to injection and sampling to interpreting the results of your tracer study. Dye Tracing Tools and Techniques Part I will cover fundamental concepts of dye tracing and preliminary data to collect in preparation for groundwater investigations. Topics include: desktop investigation of the study area, karst hydrologic inventories, study area delineation, selection and installation of monitoring sites, background monitoring, and matrix interference investigations.
Dye Tracing Tools and Techniques: Part 2
Instructor: Lee Anne Bledsoe, MS, Research Hydrologist, Assistant Director
In this session we will build upon concepts presented in Dye Tracing Tools and Techniques Part I and address some of the most frequently asked questions about tracer test design and execution. During this hour, we will discuss and demonstrate qualitative versus quantitative sampling, dye selection and dosage, dye injection techniques, avoiding cross contamination, and data interpretation.
Dye Tracing Applications: Case Studies From the US
Instructor: Lee Anne Bledsoe, MS, Research Hydrologist, Assistant Director
As a wrap-up for the webinar series, we will explore several groundwater investigations in detail. Case studies will include examples of identifying leaks at reservoirs, contaminant source tracking, remediation pilot studies, water resource management, and tracing for environmental assessment and planning. These various applications require different considerations as to local site conditions, study objectives, and the specific tracing methods utilized. We will also discuss how water quality and hydrologic monitoring informed these studies.
Crawford Hydrology Laboratory
1500 State Street, Suite 304, Bowling Green, Kentucky
Call: 270-745-3458 OR 270-745-9224